Tag: critica sociale

11. La Gaia Piazza. Le orme del movimento gay nella Parma negli anni Settanta

by Antonella Grassi

This article aims to explore the gay movement of Parma in the 1970s, to show its implicit, ante litteram consonance with the queer discourse. The ability to reinvent itself was the peculiar feature of the Parma group, always aware of the constant evolution of artistic forms: this made it a unique case in Italy, as well as a privileged point of view for studying the evolution of the national gay movement.

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25. Una femminista in incognito contro il femminicidio. Intervista a Marilù Oliva

by Marilù Oliva and Nicoletta Mandolini

The term femicide—the physical or psychological annihilation of a woman because she is a woman—has become an extensively used term in the mass media since 2012, following awareness campaigns led by feminist activists in Italy who introduced international theories of lethal gender violence. Contributing to recent discussions on the topic, some forms of artistic narration (literary, theatrical, and cinematic) have attempted to re-dignify stories and victims of femicide that the media has in many cases dismissed.

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12. Femminicidio: chi ha paura della differenza?

Femminicidio: chi ha paura della differenza?

by Patrizia Violi

In this article, Patrizia Violi aims at demonstrating that femminicidio is not a state of emergency but rather one of normalcy. It is a constant presence in the everyday life of gender relations, ubiquitous in the world and at any given time in history, the peak of the iceberg of a much broader and general phenomenon: the domination of male over female.

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