Tag: fascism

4.Riding the Stock Car to Sleep in the Stables: Migrant Agricultural Labor and Songs of Rebellion

by Diana Garvin

Under Mussolini’s dictatorship, both the physical abuses of a misogynist state and the political power of female friendship were written in the sensory details of agricultural workers’ everyday lives. This article uses archival and melodic evidence from the sensorial world of interwar Italy to explore four interlinked case studies, ultimately revealing what is at stake in women’s work songs. First, written testimonials and transcriptions from oral interviews show that, for many mondine,

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Journal Editorial

by Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Paola Bonifazio, Ellen Nerenberg

The editorial includes the Editors’ introductions to their respective areas: Nicoletta Marini-Maio announces the topic and guest editors of the Themed Section; Paola Bonifazio presents the Invited Perspectives; and Ellen Nerenberg details the contents of the Open Contributions and the section Continuing Discussions, which hosts informed voices on themes developed in previous issues of g/s/i.

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15. “Meglio fascista che frocio!”: Denouncing the National Family in Modern Italy

This paper parses the discourses of family, the nation and deviance in contemporary Italy. It questions how Italy’s far-right paints both queer Italians and recent immigrants as a dual threat to the proper national family.  Queer subjects menace because they are thought too non-reproductive. Foreigners are, instead, considered too reproductive, as immigrants’ birthrates have come to outpace those of Italian-born women. In this logic, the national family is always-already heterosexual and bound to propagate straight,

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10. La fertilità è un bene comune? Il “Fertility Day” in una prospettiva storica

The polemics that accompanied the launch of Fertility Day by the Italian Ministry of Health in 2016 call for a historical reflection on the nexus between health policies, demographic questions, and gender roles that characterize the Italian public debate on the theme of reproduction. In the first half of the twentieth century, interest in the new key term ‘eugenics’ revealed itself in function of the definition of its own role in new national institutions on the part of intellectuals from a medical/scientific background.

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Ricezione di Vincere

Virilità fascista e mascolinità berlusconiana nella ricezione di Vincere

di Valerio Coladonato

La ricezione del film Vincere (Marco Bellocchio, 2009) fornisce un utile banco di prova per osservare il modo in cui le figure di Silvio Berlusconi e Benito Mussolini sono state affiancate nel discorso pubblico in Italia. L’accoglienza critica e le reazioni della stampa al film mostrano come una certa concezione della mascolinità abbia contribuito a forgiare la connessione tra i due uomini politici.

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