Tag: languages

8.Contrade Ribelli

by Mariana Eugenia Califano

What do the names of streets tell us? What story do they tell, and why do they tell it? Can toxic narratives resulting from revisionism be defused? Contrade Ribelli is a short film, made almost exclusively with archival images from Resistenze in Cirenaica in collaboration with Solipsia, that tells the path of the permanent cultural site in Bologna, the genesis of the odonomastic guerrilla warfare,

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9.All’incrocio tra storia e memoria: Resistenze in Cirenaica

Mariana Eugenia Califano and Jadel Andreetto

Since the birth of nation-states in Europe, the politics of memory and oblivion have played a decisive role in the construction of a national identity, presumably shared by the majority of citizens. The conflict generated between contrasting memories is also expressed in places and their odonyms, in the spaces crossed daily by the selves and others orphaned of a mutual recognition. The toponymy that celebrates a determined event,

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