category: Invited Perspectives

13. Il femminicidio in Italia: tra mancanza di statistiche ufficiali e impatto mediatico

Il femminicidio in Italia: tra mancanza di statistiche ufficiali e impatto mediatico

by Anna Pramstrahler

Even though widespread discussions around “femminicidio” take place today in Italian mass media and social networks, there is currently no official data available on the phenomenon. In this short article, Anna Pramstrahler discusses the pioneering role of Casa delle Donne per non subire violenza, the first non-profit association to register, since 2005, the names and numbers of women killed by men in Italy.

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14. L’alfabeto della violenza. Lo spettacolo Doppio Taglio e le rappresentazioni del femminicidio nei media italiani

L’alfabeto della violenza. Lo spettacolo Doppio Taglio e le rappresentazioni del femminicidio nei media italiani

by Cristina Gamberi

According to statistics by international organizations and Italian anti-violence centers, male violence is the first cause of death for women in Italy. One woman out of three experiences male violence, in various forms: harassment at work, rape, threat, or humiliation. However, considering the complexity of this phenomenon, how do Italian newspapers narrate feminicide?

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Dirigere attori e attrici

di Marina Spada

Marina Spada: Directing Actors and Actresses

Marina Spada parla del suo lavoro di regista e del suo rapporto con attori e attrici. In italiano, con sottotitoli in inglese.

Marina Spada talks about her work as a director of and of her relationship with actresses and actors. In Italian, with English subtitles.


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An Unsolved Case

di Susanna Nicchiarelli

A woman film director’s reflection on her work with male actors. The piece begins with the author’s recollection of her strong emotional reaction to the trivialization of the female character impersonated by Sissy Spacek in JFK, that she saw in her adolescence. She explains how gendered motivations, rejection of stereotypes, personal emotions, and respect for the spectators have guided her in her two features with leading actresses and supporting actors.

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