Tag: picture books

9. Verso la decostruzione dei ruoli genitoriali: il caso degli albi illustrati arcobaleno in Italia

In Italy, same-sex families are now a prominent reality despite the lack of legal and social recognition. Schools and families, for example, are still embarrassed and unprepared when talking about same-sex families. Since teachers, educators, and parents are usually not informed about homo-affective families and non-traditional family dynamics, this study suggests using books, and specifically picture books, as an educational tool that may help children in considering new points of view and reflecting upon unfamiliar and sometimes distant realities.

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12. Nessuno tocchi Guizzino. Gli albi illustrati in Italia tra “teoria gender,” false interpretazioni e censura.

by Simone Fornara

Picture books are a genre of children’s literature with enormous educational potential. Their use in classrooms is currently spreading and should be further encouraged. Picture books are particularly suitable for the treatment of sensitive issues, such as those related to gender. For this reason, many educational projects are focused on reading picture books and aim at promoting them, in and outside of the classroom. But in reality, these projects have to face opposite points of view,

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