Tag: theater

1.Collaborating during Covid

by Daniela Cavallaro, Luciana d’Arcangeli, and Claire Kennedy

This article describes our collaboration in creating a book containing plays on violence against women and interviews with the theater practitioners who wrote and staged them. The plays included in the book premiered between 2014 and 2018 in London, Sydney, and Rome. The three editors of the book are Italianists who work in Adelaide, Auckland, and Brisbane. Colleagues who have translated some of the plays are based in Melbourne and Sydney.

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14. L’alfabeto della violenza. Lo spettacolo Doppio Taglio e le rappresentazioni del femminicidio nei media italiani

L’alfabeto della violenza. Lo spettacolo Doppio Taglio e le rappresentazioni del femminicidio nei media italiani

by Cristina Gamberi

According to statistics by international organizations and Italian anti-violence centers, male violence is the first cause of death for women in Italy. One woman out of three experiences male violence, in various forms: harassment at work, rape, threat, or humiliation. However, considering the complexity of this phenomenon, how do Italian newspapers narrate feminicide?

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