Tag: neoliberalism

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7.Cosa resterà di questi anni porno? Fenomenologia della post-pornografia fra tv e Twitch

by Bruno Surace

If the context of online cultures has definitively reshaped the way in which online content is produced and enjoyed, this also applies to mainstream pornography. This is rapidly passing (or has passed) from a “traditional” fruition context to a new “post-pornographic” structure, in which live streaming through webcams and one-to-one customized content replace the classic tube sites. These new pornographic dynamics, certainly consolidated in the pandemic context, take on a particular cultural relevance when they are subjected to processes of effective normalization of porn,

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7. Cybermoms and Postfeminism in Italian Web Series

Journalist Loredana Lipperini astutely observes how in Italy “motherhood is the knot” in which are entangled different feminist philosophies, as well as patriarchal views of the maternal figure as the only acceptable version of female identity. In biopolitical terms, the maternal body is “the place where power expresses itself and where power, by assuming control of it, exercises its greatest repression (Lupperini 2007). This article aims to disentangle the “knot” of feminist aspirations and contradictory discourses on motherhood in contemporary Italy as it is explored in three Italian web series: Ivan Cotroneo’s Una mamma imperfetta (2013),

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5. Non è la Rai, or: On the Becoming-Girl of Late Capitalism

by Elisa Cuter

This paper focuses on Non è la Rai, a TV show aired on Silvio Berlusconi’s broadcasting channels between 1991 and 1994. Through the analysis of the program a connection emerges between three macro-phenomena: postmodern aesthetics; Berlusconism (as a specific and national embodiment of larger concepts like capitalism and neoliberalism) and the fundamental role of “girlhood” in the first two. In particular, it proves that the neoliberal strategy could not have been effective without an unprecedented increase in the importance of the symbolic category of girlhood in Italian society,

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