Tag: language

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2. Il femminicidio nella stampa italiana: un’indagine linguistica

by Stefania Abis and Paolo Orrù

The perception of femicide and violence against women has known a constant evolution in recent years; both mass media and political and social actors tried to raise awareness on the issue. According to Diana Russell’s definition (the killing of females by males because they are females), femicide has to be considered as a social and political fact and not just as ordinary crimes: it represents extreme manifestations of male dominance over female.

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6. Sexism, misogyny and heteronormativity in Italian legal and media language. The case of “Stupro della fortezza da Basso.”

by Michela Baldo

Michela Baldo introduces the theme of the AAIS 2016 roundtable, that is those discourses of gender and sexuality circulating in Italy oriented in a homophobic, transphobic, sexist and misogynist way, but also the ways in which language can become a tool to fight discrimination. The author subsequently introduces queer linguistics, a branch of linguistics that aims to challenge essentialist, hegemonic and naturalized notions of gender and sexuality, and that can be useful in unmasking the work of heteronormativity in the formation of public discourses.

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