Tag: children

11.Raccontare una maternità diversa

by Rosella Schillaci

In this article, Schillaci writes about the making of the documentary film Ninna nanna prigioniera (2016), filmed inside a special block within Turin, Italy’s jail, where convicted mothers can choose to have their children living with them in a cell until they are three years old. The filmmaker retraces the various stages of the project, from conception to pre-production and filming. She describes research questions, themes at the heart of the film’s story,

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7. Il linguaggio femminile e maschile: uno scenario (stereotipico) in movimento

Il linguaggio femminile e maschile: uno scenario (stereotipico) in movimento

by Rita Fresu

Various studies have both demonstrated that differences in feminine and masculine language are part of a social construct strongly correlated to diastratic and diaphasic factors and revealed the existence of a consolidated set of expectations held by a community of speakers with regard to the linguistic behaviors attributed to gender. The shared  understanding of this strong social norm and expectation,

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Forging the New man

Forging the New man: World War I Narratives for Children

by Marisa Giorgi

This article examines the role of children’s literature as a tool in Mussolini’s anthropological revolution. A discussion of the regime’s goals to fascistize children’s leisure-time literature and the conciliation between the state and the Catholic Church provides context for an analysis of the conversion scenes from Eros Belloni’s Guerra! Romanzo fascista per i giovani (1933) and Antonio Beltramelli’s La grande diana (1934).

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