category: Invited Perspectives

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6.La sessuopolitica del porno: L’hard di Silvio Bandinelli e Mario Salieri

by Pietro Adamo

In the twentieth century many historians, philosophers, psychologists, and sociologists have emphasized the relationship between sexuality and politics, giving in the meantime a new sense—much more political—to pornography and its historical developments. But pornography, especially after its almost worldwide legal legitimation (between Sixties and Eighties), seems to present a singular antinomy: on the one hand the various pornographic practices—writing, movies, live performances, photos—seem to enforce a liberationist ideology, aimed against traditional ways of looking to sexuality,

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7.Cosa resterà di questi anni porno? Fenomenologia della post-pornografia fra tv e Twitch

by Bruno Surace

If the context of online cultures has definitively reshaped the way in which online content is produced and enjoyed, this also applies to mainstream pornography. This is rapidly passing (or has passed) from a “traditional” fruition context to a new “post-pornographic” structure, in which live streaming through webcams and one-to-one customized content replace the classic tube sites. These new pornographic dynamics, certainly consolidated in the pandemic context, take on a particular cultural relevance when they are subjected to processes of effective normalization of porn,

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8.Interview with Teresa Ciabatti: The Least Beloved, The Most Free

by Marta Cerreti

In January 2022, I met with Italian contemporary writer Teresa Ciabatti to discuss her latest works and her experience as a woman writer in a male-dominated industry. By drawing on Ciabatti’s best-known work La più amata (2017), the title of this interview addresses a common issue for women writers: they are welcome in the literary industry provided they follow the established rules. Since 2017, Teresa Ciabatti has continuously broken conventions,

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gender/sexuality/italy 8 (2021) – Table of Contents

gender/sexuality/italy, 8 (2021) 

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Journal Editor
Paola Bonifazio, Invited Perspectives Editor
Ellen Nerenberg, Open Contributions and Continuing Discussions Editor
Erica Moretti and Colleen Ryan, Reviews Editors
Victor Xavier Zarour Zarzar and Lisa Dolasinski, Managing Editors
Arianna Avalle, Beatrice Basile, Leonardo Cabrini, Magda Collazo, Jacob DeCarli, Samantha Gillen, Katherine Travers, Assistant Editors

Table of Contents

Journal Editorial
NICOLETTA MARINI-MAIO, Dickinson College, 

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Intersectionality in Italian histories, cultural products, and social practices

Journal Editorial by Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Paola Bonifazio, Ellen Nerenberg

The editorial includes the Editors’ introductions to their respective areas: Nicoletta Marini-Maio announces the topic and guest editors of the Themed Section: “Intersectionality in Italian histories, cultural products, and social practices.” Marini-Maio also highlights the section Collaborations, which hosts discussions and descriptions of current scholarly collaborations. Paola Bonifazio presents the rationale of the Invited Perspectives.

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5.Il dibattito sull’intersezionalità in Italia

by Maura Gancitano

With the advent of social networks, many people in Italy began to know and spread the idea of intersectionality, creating a critical mass that disseminates content on feminism, rights struggles, and the intersection of oppressions. Consequently, people began to spread the idea that the fight against discrimination is a hypocritical whining, the result of an extreme susceptibility and the so-called “dictatorship of the politically correct.” In this article,

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6.Intersezionalità, posizionamento e studi critici della bianchezza

by Gaia Giuliani

Intersectionality as an episteme, an epistemology, and a method, is essential to the black feminist project of fracturing Universalism within a feminist debate that is totally dominated by US white feminists. Thus, it is necessary to make the peculiarity of black women’s condition emerge. Within the deconstructive project of postmodern feminism, intersectionality becomes necessary to enable feminist scholars and activists to investigate constructions of normative white heteropatriarchy.

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7.Raccontare e raccontarsi: Angelica Pesarini

by Paola Bonifazio and Angelica Pesarini

In this article, Paola Bonifazio and Angelica Pesarini discuss Pesarini’s short fiction included in Future: Il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi, a collection published by Effequ in 2020 and edited by Italian-Somali writer Igiaba Scego. In their conversation, the author and the reader address questions of literary representation vis-à-vis identity politics, debate how an intersectional approach affects aesthetic choices,

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8.Contrade Ribelli

by Mariana Eugenia Califano

What do the names of streets tell us? What story do they tell, and why do they tell it? Can toxic narratives resulting from revisionism be defused? Contrade Ribelli is a short film, made almost exclusively with archival images from Resistenze in Cirenaica in collaboration with Solipsia, that tells the path of the permanent cultural site in Bologna, the genesis of the odonomastic guerrilla warfare,

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9.All’incrocio tra storia e memoria: Resistenze in Cirenaica

Mariana Eugenia Califano and Jadel Andreetto

Since the birth of nation-states in Europe, the politics of memory and oblivion have played a decisive role in the construction of a national identity, presumably shared by the majority of citizens. The conflict generated between contrasting memories is also expressed in places and their odonyms, in the spaces crossed daily by the selves and others orphaned of a mutual recognition. The toponymy that celebrates a determined event,

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